Author: Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Synopsis: A plane lands at JFK airport and stops dead on the runway. All the shades pull down and the power goes out. Crews outside are confused as to what has happened, even more so when they open the airplane to find that everyone on board is dead...or are they?
Stars: 2/5
Lauren's Review: Holy crap, I think John Grisham quit doing legal thrillers for a day and squeezed out this turd. Which is to say, I hated it. Who knew you could make a horror thriller so...boring?
First of all, I didn't give a crap about a single character. They managed to make them all sound like over-used Hollywood stereotypes.
Second of all...ok this is a mini spoiler but everyone who read the book jacket knows it...they're vampires. You think, 'that's kinda overdone, but cool,' right? WRONG. They manage to make vampires the least cool thing ever. There is nothing cool about these vampires, they're boring and don't have any super powers. They're even lamer than Edward Cullen (who at least sparkles and can run really fast).
So when the vampires aren't cool and the characters are as interesting as rocks, I think it's time to give up. I finished this book but I will not be reading the rest of the trilogy. I just don't care.
I am going to live vicariously through you because I have no time to read.
ReplyDeleteEven though I think I am going to read Harry Potter again. One because the movie's coming out soon. And two because I need to think about something thats not about "the law"
Haha, I should NOT be reading as much as I do...but it keeps me sane so I'm gonna keep doing it :) I re-read HP7 this summer because I wanted a refresher before the movie but if I read it too close to when I see the movie I'll just be mad about things getting left out!